Diamond CBD Flavored Vape Pods

Elevate Sales with CBD Flavored Vape Pods

Juul-compatible Cartridges Provide Consumers with a Convenient & Fast Way to Get the Health Benefits of CBD

Smokers worldwide have traditionally spent hundreds of millions of dollars on patches, gums and other products to kick their nicotine habit. However, over the last decade, sales of vaping-related products have increased as more people seek to transition away from traditional cigarettes. Now former smokers and those looking to quit can enjoy a fruity alternative and the benefits of cannabidiol (CBD) with Diamond CBD’s Vaping Pods.

Unlike other vape products on the market, Diamond CBD Vape Pods are totally free of nicotine and pre-filled with 100mg of nonaddictive CBD that is extracted from 100% organic hemp oil. It’s just one of the ways that consumers around the world are looking to CBD-infused products to help treat chronic pain conditions, prevent muscle soreness and inflammation.

Available in four assorted flavors of mango, watermelon, blueberry, and strawberry, the 1 ml CBD cartridges are Juul-compatible, allowing for easy placement in this popular e-vaping device. This compatibility makes Diamond CBD Vape Pods a delicious breeze for both consumers and retailers. There’s no fuss, no commitment to complicated devices and no messing around with large bottles of vape oil.

Just pop the pod in and before you know it, you’re ready to enjoy the smooth relaxation of CBD.

Quickly Delivering the Power of CBD in New Delicious Flavors

With the acceptance of CBD on the rise, vaping has emerged as a popular form of consumption because it allows for direct absorption into the bloodstream through your lungs. For many, this means feeling the soothing sensation of CBD quicker than through an edible, which releases the benefits through the body’s digestive tract.

While vaping devices vary, Diamond CBD Vaping pods are created as a universal fit so that your biggest worry is figuring out which of the four refreshing flavors will deliver the CBD you love.

They’re perfect for any on-the-go occasion and can fit right in your pocket or purse. Just as important, when you’re done, you just throw it away.

A Trusted Brand for Sales

A well-known and recognizable brand among consumers and wholesalers, Diamond CBD gives retailers immediate brand recognition with both new and experienced CBD users due to a strong presence online and on social media. Market research shows that customers prefer brands they know, making Diamond CBD vaping pods an easy sale for retailers.

Diamond CBD also ensures the quality of all of their products, a must-have for retailers in the CBD industry as consumers become more demanding about the contents of what they buy. This is the reason why all of Diamond CBD’s products, including their new CBD Vaping Pods:

- Use only non-GMO organically grown plants and the highest quality raw materials

- Go through third-party lab testing, ensuring no synthetics and no illicit substances are used

- Include a quality seal of assurance

Diamond CBD Vaping Pods, as with all Diamond CBD products, include special QR codes to help consumers look up specific product ingredients related third-party lab tests. It’s all part of the company’s commitment to ensure that both consumers and retailers know that they are purchasing some of the best -- and safest -- all-natural CBD on the market today.

A Profitable Step Into the Vaping Industry

Analysts at Grand View Research, Inc. project the global e-cigarette and vaping market size to reach $47.11 billion dollars by 2025. Much of that rise is due to the belief that vaping is considered to be an effective method to quit smoking. Vaping is also considered to be less toxic to both the body and others outdoors because it creates vapor instead of smoke.

The future growth of the vaping industry is aided by the increasing popularity of hemp-based oils, edibles, and creams. A growing body of research evidence finds consumers confidently using CBD not only to relieve mental and physical conditions like anxiety and muscle inflammation but also choosing it to therapeutically treat conditions ranging from autism to Alzheimer’s.

Financial analysts and mainstream news sources like Forbes and CNBC have taken notice, noting the strong growth in the product acceptance among a number of key demographic groups, as men and women of all ages search for the benefits of hemp without any of the unwanted side effects of other products. In fact, cannabis industry analysts at the Brightfield Group report that the hemp-CBD market alone could hit $22 billion by 2022.

Made For Wholesale

Extensively tested to ensure purity, potency, and freshness, Vaping Pods are just the latest profitable innovation from Diamond CBD. Wholesalers and distributors looking to take advantage of the current profit opportunity should spend little time and create an account at www.DiamondCBD.com/dcbd/wholesale. Once this simple process is complete, retailers can start earning profits from Diamond CBD’s entire catalog of products.

Diamond CBD products have some of the best prices in the industry today, with savings passed on directly to the store. Products ship to retail locations in all 50 states, as well as internationally. Diamond CBD retail partners also earn special pricing, discounts, incentives, and profits from a fantastic line of products.

The Endocannabinoid System

Both science and anecdotal evidence continue to open up the human experience to the possible power that CBD holds. Diamond CBD employs a team of skilled researchers to test and perfect their products, providing only the best CBD for the consumer market today.

But how does CBD really work?

Everyone has an endocannabinoid system. When it is not balanced properly, a whole host of ailments such as inflammation, chronic pain, headaches and more may occur. Science refers to it as Clinical Endocannabinoid Deficiency (CECD). CBD, which is a cannabinoid (one of many), shows great promise in fighting many of these ailments. Classic products like Diamond CBD Creams for beauty and wellness may aid in combating CECD while helping retailers maintain a strong customer base.

Why Sell Diamond CBD?

Diamond CBD is a leading supplier of a complete line of CBD products, from vapes and crystals to gummies and drinks. Diamond’s quality CBD brands create an accessible pathway for retail outlets through an innovative distribution model designed to meet the needs of customers first. Retailers enjoy a whole host of benefits, including premium access to exclusive pricing deals, wholesale discounts, and some of the finest incentives in the business. Diamond CBD controls their entire production chain - it’s the reason why Diamond CBD is a trusted wholesaler everywhere.

Everything produced at Diamond CBD is 100 percent all-natural CBD made from quality extracts and advanced processes honed by chemists and scientists in their research and development labs. They use non-GMO organically grown plants and select only the highest-quality raw materials. Furthermore, everything Diamond CBD uses goes through strict testing to ensure it meets the highest standards when it arrives at the store.

Diamond CBD performs supercritical CO2 extraction, which helps to retain the naturallyoccurring beneficial molecules in the hemp plant. As part of their guarantee, they supervise the entire process, from growth to manufacturing and all the way through to distribution.

To verify these statements, they recently had an independent 3rd party laboratory test all of their products, with the results proving the validity of their claims and ingredients. The lab tests are available on their website, www.DiamondCBD.com, and are listed under each product as well as on their lab testing page.

To learn more call us at (305) 363-4646 | email us at wholesale@DiamondCBD.com visit us at www.DiamondCBD.com/dcbd/wholesale