What CA Public Health Isn't Telling Us About Vaping
From the people who destroy public trust comes the notion that the vaping industry is the tobacco industry.
Nothing is further from the truth.
Vapor companies are NOT Big Tobacco.
Vaping is NOT smoking.
The California Department of Public Health encourages you to stop vaping and start making their friends money again - please light up!
If legislators think vapor is smoke, how long til they shut down your tea pot? The California Department of Public Health refuses to investigate 10,000+ reports of elder abuse but spend our tax dollars to confuse you about the difference between smoke and vapor? The California Department of Public Health supports the American Cancer Society, American Lung Association and American Heart Association, all of whom get billions of dollars a year from cigarettes and tobacco products.
“The California Department of Public Health is now protecting cigarettes and threatening the lives of vapers and smokers. Nearly every sentence in the California Department of Health’s e-cig report is false or misleading fear mongering propaganda."
Bill Godshall, longtime anti-smoking activist and the Executive Director of Smokefree Pennsylvania.
Thank you, vapers in Santa Rosa, CA. Your sign for our website you held up in the city council meeting to oppose their horrible ordinance was BRILLIANT!
They are telling us, however, shortly after the launch of notblowingsmoke.org they had an immediate job opening.
Long-term e-Cigarette use can decrease cigarette consumption in smokers not willing to quit.
A recent survey released by the Minnesota Department of Health found that vapor products were by far the most used tool by smokers making quit attempts.
“Safety Evaluation and Risk Assessment of Electronic Cigarettes as Tobacco Cigarette Substitutes” by Dr. Farsalinos of Onassis Cardiac Surgery Center 2014 concluded that “Currently available evidence indicates that electronic cigarettes are by far a less harmful alternative to smoking and significant health benefits are expected in smokers who switch from tobacco to electronic cigarettes.”
Big Tobacco ignored vaping until it grew large enough to threaten it's profits.
Vapor dissipates in 11 seconds. Smoke, however, lingers for 20 minutes.
E-cigarettes are less addictive than tobacco cigarettes. E-cigarettes may be as or less addictive than nicotine gums, which themselves are not very addictive.
Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) is unsuccessful for the majority of smokers who attempt to quit.
Cadmium, lead and nickel have also been detected but in trace levels only, comparable with levels in Nicorette inhalers.
The formaldehyde levels found in the NEJM study were based on a severely flawed process of testing. Even its authors have distanced themselves from media and public health interpretations made to mislead you.
Vaping is a consumer created solution to the tobacco problem.
No current studies demonstrate a gateway effect from vaping to smoking.
Flavors are important contributors in reducing or eliminating smoking.
Propylene Glycol is used in many foods and drinks, and is used as a flavor carrier. It is also an Asthma Inhalers main ingredient.
“Peering Through The Mist” by the Drexel University School of Public Health, in 2014 conducted more than 9000 observations of electronic cigarettes. “The calculations reveal that there was no evidence of potential exposure of e-cigarette users to contaminants that are associated with risk to health.”
Big Pharma ignored vaping until it grew large enough to threaten it's profits.