Cannabis Passport Magazine
Modeled after wine passport, Cannabis Passport Magazine offers 100 king-sized soy-based hemp rolling papers and 100 Soy ink printed and perforated filters, all presented in a protective sleeve that resembles a passport, loaded with travel facts, jokes, and brands from the world of cannabis! Brands will have the opportunity to advertise on the filters as well.
John Scannell, an internationally trained Law School Graduate from Canada, found himself divinely aligned in a partnership with David Irving, former NFL player, to develop a cannabis line in California. The partnership sprouted over shared stories of struggling with opioids due to injury. John was injured severely, requiring a total of 15 surgeries, rendering him bedridden for two whole years. David also had a story to tell. John saw the perfect opportunity to help David share his story, and use it as a platform to convey their shared message. Upon launching Cannabis Passport Magazine, David sat down and spoke about his experience, and why this new venture is so important to him.
In Behind the Locker Room with David Irving, David revealed his history about injuries in the NFL, and cannabis:
While playing in the NFL for four years, Irving had suffered from multiple injuries. As a defensive tackle, he suffered sprains, a torn ligament, 6 broken fingers, a broken wrist, two new labrums in both shoulders replaced, and over 10 reported concussions. Despite the pain, he would often play through all his injuries from this high impact sport. To help offset the pain, he was often prescribed a long list of unpronounceable prescriptions. In his first season with the Dallas Cowboys, Irving suffered a wrist fracture that ended his season. The NFL sent him to the team doctors. “I went in and I got it looked at right away and they said it was a small fracture and I’d be good in four-six weeks,” Irving said. Ten weeks went by without improvement. But when Irving chose #plantsoverpills and tested positive for marijuana, he was sent to rehab.
On March 1, 2019, Irving decided to quit the NFL over a live video on Instagram. Irving chose to create the ’Plants Over Pills’ movement because he wanted to finally put his health before wealth. Irving has made it his mission since stepping away from football to educate the world on cannabis and its benefits, as well as to end the stigma against it. Former NFL players and future hall of famers have also began stepping out in support of CBD and its benefits, including former New England Patriots tight end Rob Gronkowski.
“When I was in the NFL, I just kept looking more into it and how CBD (Cannabidiol) a component of weed is a neuroprotectant,” Irving said. “Most people don’t know that.” Concussions are constant Irving claims and there are many that the average fan does not know about when they watch the game. Irving in his experience with medications prescribed in his time with the NFL, found temporary relief, but not long-term. “We have concussions all the time and the opioids that they give us in the NFL will help with the pain but it won’t help for your brain.” Irving also revealed shocking details about player concussions and what fans do not see or know about. “I have gotten countless concussions and (the fans) only hear about the ones we have to report,” Irving said.
Upon his retirement from the Cowboys and the NFL last March, Irving moved to San Jacinto, Calif., and, recently launched Cannabis Passport, the world’s first rolling paper magazine that includes 100 premium hemp and soy-printed filter tips. To spread awareness and to pursue his mission to educate people and raise awareness about the benefits of cannabis for brain injuries and concussions, Irving founded the website cannabispassport.ca with Co-Founder, John Scannell. “A co-founder and I came up with the idea, he’s out of Canada and brings people together,” Irving said. It’s a passport that promotes community and being a part of it and raising awareness, it’s a cannabis passport.” The passport itself looks like one issued for travel around the world. This one, comes with rolling paper that has information about the world of cannabis. “The unique thing is, it comes with a roll of 100 hemp papers with soy filtered tips and these papers also (double) as an advocacy magazine,” Irving said. “So, you put filters in the joints, and we blend information with them, things that let you know about prohibition, the war on drugs, how opiates are bad for you, and how weed is better for you. It’s a cool thing we got going.” The books are themed seasonally. For instance, October is set for the passports to be pink, in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. During Black History Month, they will place Martin Luther King Jr. in the booklet. “We talk about how CBD has helped breast cancer patients,” Irving said. “(Or) Whatever it may be.” “I gave up football for a bigger cause. I want to change the bias toward marijuana. I want to educate America that it’s not a drug, its medicine. The real reason I’m not in the NFL is that I’d rather be out here saving lives. I’m just trying to make this world a better place. Marijuana can help me do that.”
In their efforts to advocate for the industry, with intentions to aid in funding CBD research, Cannabis Passport Magazine chose to align themselves synergistically with a brand that is making their own name within the emerging hemp smoking industry, Wild Hemp. Wild Hemp are industry leaders when it comes to CBD and smokable hemp, offering the market products made with quality ingredients, sourced from the Colorado mountains, and Oregon. Cannabis Passport Magazine partnered with Wild Hemp to make their natural hemp papers.
What’s next for David, John, and Cannabis Passport Magazine? The Co-Founders are currently in the works on launching a CBD and CBG Cannabis line in California. Keep an eye out for Cannabis Passport Magazine at upcoming Champs Trade Shows with Wild Hemp, or for more information, visit their website at Cannabispassport.ca.