Legal Lean
Legal Lean Launches a New Global "Chill" Campaign
Promoting Some Relief in a Stressed Out World
We all know that COVID-19 pandemic protocol has had a major stressful effect on all our lives. Many of us are facing new challenges that can be stressful, overwhelming, and cause strong emotions. The CDC reports that social distance can make us feel isolated and lonely. These conditions can easily increase stress and anxiety resulting in loss of sleep, sadness, worry, and frustration among others. While there are many ways to cope with stress, one company in particular, Legal Lean, says this terrible issue played right into their established market base strengths.
"From our company beginning, way before Covid-19, we saw clear a niche vertical market opportunity that hadn't been effectively tapped," said Legal Lean founder Nick Anderson. "Our counter culture products have always been focused on and promoted to clients looking to distress and relax. Today's market, fueled by this unforunate crisis, now resonates with an expanding client base profile for us that extends past our original channel expectations and vision."
Legal Lean Flavored Syrup
Legal Lean flagship flavored syrup products have been a counter culture "Chill" favorite for years. Anderson explains, "Our lean syrup is 100% legal in all 50 states mking it a popular way to experience relaxation and reduced stress without any legal issues or purchasing obstacles. Customers typically pour Legal Lean syrup into a lemon lime soda, and mix with ice. Even on the most stressed out days, customers feel the relaxing stress reduced effects in minutes and some even fall asleep for an average of about eight hours."
New Legal Leaf Chill Syrup
A new up and coming favorite is legal Lean's 2oz Herbal Chill Syrup. This mind relaxing syrup, introduced in late fall of 2020, combines a powerful blend of botanical herbs and kratom with the popular Legal Lean grap flavor. "Initial feedback from customers say they love the mellow floating euphoric feeling effects," says Anderson. "We see this as a strong selling product that fits in perfectly with our entire syrup lineup. The interesting spin on this product is that it clearly has different chill properties which we think will reach a wider audience and possibly branch off into a new suite of herbal syrup products."
We Are Looking For The Most Chill People At LegalLeanLife
Taking promotions outside the box in early 2021, Legal Lean has indtroduced a light hearted and fun social media campaign designed to reward loyal legal lean customers sharing their Legal Lean "Chill" experiences with each other.
Anderson explains, "We are a very social/party chill atmosphere company. With covid restrictions it has been really difficult to personally connect with our customers like we usually do. We thought, why not bring the Legal Lean chill experience to instagram where we can use the media platform for our customers to share their "chill" experiences not only with us, but with each other too."
"Taking our efforts a step further, we wanted to have some fun and lighten the mood with our customers. We decided to reward the best monthly chill experience post made on our instagram site. Our thought was to crown the best monthly submission as "The King/Queen of Chill". Those that are selected will get a box of free Legal Lean swag, products, and whatever else we decide they are worthy of. We figure just because we are all facing adversity doesn't mean we can't find fun ways to connect back with each other and promote some chill too." For those looking to post or wondering who the current King or Queen of Chill is, visit the Legal Lean Instagram page at legalleanlife.
Easy to Enter
Follow us on instagram and post your most chill Legal Lean moments. We will review all "chill" submissions each month and will award the most chill people with the title "King of Chill". Each winner will receive a gift box with all sorts of chill Legal Lean products and SWAG.